Short Stories

The Other Voice

Endless, piercing darkness wrapped around me as I struggled to find my way through it. The ground beneath me was covered in the dark, but I could feel it was uneven.

I ran in search of a single ray of light that could help me escape the night that enveloped me.

The running seemed worthless. I felt like nothing vanished behind me, and nothing new appeared. Despite my efforts, the surroundings remained the same – dark.

I was alone in the darkness, and there was no escape. Still, I ran! I ran to find something to break the constant repetition of running, falling, and still remaining in the dark.

Tired, I decided to call out for help.

“Hello?” I cried.

To my surprise, someone called back. “Hello,” the voice said.

“Is anyone here?” I yelled back and got an instant reply, “here.”

With the reply, I could feel hope rising inside me. I stumbled forward and called again, “Where are you? Please help.”

“Help,” the person spoke in a similar anguished tone.

“Are you hurt?” I called again.

“Hurt,” affirmed the voice.

At that moment, I just wanted to help the person who seemed to be trapped in this darkness with me. The person was equally terrified and even hurt.

I called again, “Where are you? Do you know?”

“No,” the voice answered.

I started moving faster with more urgency. Whoever this person was, needed help even more than me. At least, I was not hurt.

“Just wait! I’m coming!” I yelled back.

“Coming?” the voice asked, tired.

“Yes, do not be afraid.”


“Do not be! I’m trying to help you. Just wait.”

“Wait!” the voice said suddenly.

“Why?” I asked, confused. “I’m almost there! Just call so I can hear you.”

“I can hear you!” the person called out, and I felt a sense of relief.

“Yes, just hold on. I’m coming.” I said as I finally saw the light. After spending hours in the darkness, there was finally a ray of light.

“I’m coming!” came an instant reply, filled with relief.

“What? I thought you were hurt?” I tried to find the person.

“Hurt,” the person confirmed again.

“I’m coming. Do not worry.”


“I said to stop worrying! And stop repeating what I say.” I yelled, frustrated.

As soon as this escaped my mouth, I was struck by a realization. However, before I could come to a conclusion, I hear, “What I say.”

Just to be sure, I called back, “You are again repeating what I said.”

“What I said.”

As I found my way up towards the light, I shout, “It was me!”

“It was me!” I heard the voice echo back.

                                                               -Stories by Silly Feelings